Wednesday, January 29, 2014


While the doctors were on strike my friend and classmate from Drexel Med, Ruby informed me of an awesome opportunity allowing me to participate in a medical mission trip in Oyo State, Nigeria with LABAKCARE Organization. (I will put up a post about the trip later.)
Today while on the ward, I met an individual who was 22 years old but appeared to be 13 or 14 years old. This case reminded me of a particular case I saw while in Oyo state and decided to share it with you guys!
While volunteering in Oyo State, Ruby and I encountered a mother and her son that approached our station. When we asked the age of her child, she said he was 21 years old, we looked at each other and assumed she did not understand the question, as a result, we asked again in Yoruba. Once the young man spoke, with assertiveness I may add, we were most definitely certain he was truly 21 years old.
Below are pictures of the young man, and a picture of myself to have something to compare the height and development of the young man. (use the white arrow/red background as a height reference)
After discussion with the mother and the son, it was ascertained that the young man was a 
(has sickle cell disease. Though I’ve read that the disease can cause delays in growth, I was floored by how dramatic the underdevelopment could be.

Sickle cell disease is one hell of a disease, it can effect almost every organ of the body; heart, brain, lungs, muscles, etc. The complications occur as a result of the blockage of the small blood vessels and the breakdown of red blood cells.

In this particular case, delay in proper growth resulted, because his body was unable to get red blood cells, which normally provide the body with oxygen and nutrients needed for growth. As a result, the shortage of healthy red blood cells led to his slow growth.

After dispensing his medications to him, he left with his mother. However, a few minutes later he returned to ask me for my number. After which I noted to myself, “he’s definitely 21!” All this happened while his mother stood a distance away looking on assiduously HAHA!  I kindly declined and told him I’m too old for him :-p
This showed that his mind is fully developed even if his body is not! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Happy New Year Everyone! I hope the year is starting off with a bang! Now, for a quick update on my research progress.

The end of December 2013 was full of surprises. First the ASUU strike (public universities strike) was called off after SIX long months, YAY!  

Then the doctors initiated a 5-day “WARNING STRIKE,” but thankfully it was called off after the five days.
After an eventful ending of the year, school sessions all over the nation have started, including the medical school associated with the hospital I am working out of. The once deserted medical campus and library are now full bustling with students. It’s a refreshing site to see medical students like myself! Nevertheless I digress, my research proposal has yet to be approved, but I am hoping by the end of January I will have received approval and will officially start my research project.

I am getting a bit nervous because time is flying by and before I know it, May will have arrived and it will be the end of my fellowship. Nevertheless, I am remaining positive and active.
Until then I will continue to attend sickle cell clinic and now that medical school is back in session, I will be rotating with the third year med students.

Hopefully the next time I write about my research it will be in full swing!
Take care.